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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Advocating a Circle of Protection

This week I am in Washington DC with 500 fellow Catholic Social Ministry representatives focusing on advocating with our elected Senators and Representatives for the lives and dignity of the poor and vulnerable members of our communities as Congress and the Administration face the necessary and difficult task of crafting the FY 2013 budget.

Among the principles that we support are:
1. The nation needs to substantially reduce future deficits, but not at the expense of the hungry and poor.
2. Funding focused on reducing poverty should not be cut.  It should be made as effective as possible, but not cut.
3. A fundamental task is to create jobs and spur economic growth.  Decent jobs at decent wages are the best path out of poverty, and restoring growth is a powerful way to reduce deficits.

These are difficult challenges, we know that.  But the fundamental moral measure of our nation's budget and economic policies is whether they enhance or undermine the lives and dignity of those most in need.  Sadly, political pressure and expediency often leaves poor children and families missing in the national debate nd without a place at the table.

Our nation needs a genuinely bi-partisan commitment to focus on the common good of all and on the special needs of the poor and vulnerable people struggling to live in dignity.

John Berry
Executive Director and CEO