St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Voice of the Poor Month

St. Vincent de Paul has declared September Voice of the Poor Month. Our advocacy committee, Voice of the Poor, will tell the stories about those we help, their situations and their solutions.

The most striking change we have seen over the past few years has been the exponential increase in the number of people experiencing situational poverty,  a period of poverty caused by situational factors, in contrast with generational poverty, which is a form of entrenched poverty which can encompass multiple generations of a family. There are a number of reasons for situational poverty to emerge, but some of the most common are: divorce, death of a spouse, unexpected health expenses, and the loss of a job. These uncontrollable events can cause a spiral of events which leads to a period of situational poverty.

We have seen people who used to be our donors become our clients.
Those experiencing situational poverty often possess a higher level of education than people who experience entrenched poverty. Situational poverty can be grueling, especially without a support network. For people who have worked hard all their lives, it can also be extremely depressing, as it may seem like everything is being taken away for no apparent reason. Situational poverty is a sobering lesson, as it can potentially strike anyone; many people in the middle classes, for example, are only a catastrophic accident, illness or job loss away from situational poverty.

Look over over website and the stories of clients working their way through the challenges of situational poverty. They offer that SVdP has been instrumental in helping them when they were unsure of where to turn for help. We are blessed and honored to have the ability to serve those who need us so much. You can help, too! 
Become part of the solution for so many who need just a little help to get back on track.

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