St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome everyone to the new St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta Blog.  We are really hoping that by beginning this conversation with you we can help you learn more about who we are and what we do and that we can learn more about you; our friends, supporters, volunteers, and just the curious.

We're new at this, so I hope that you'll bear with us as we make some mistakes and learn how to make this method of engagement most beneficial to all.  We welcome your feedback and comments on what we post and hope that this will truly become a conversation among people dedicated to help those in need.  We ask that you respect decorum and the right of others to state their opinions and thoughts.  While we welcome feedback and comment, we will remove any post that contains inappropriate language, links to other sites, sales or marketing pitches, personal derogatory statements, irrelevant information and comment, or other content deemed offensive.

OK, so for those of you not familiar with us, who are we?  I'm going to focus the first few of my blog postings on providing a little background and history on SVdP Atlanta (which is our short, easier to say/type name).  Once we establish some common knowledge then the blog will get into other areas.  If you are familiar with us I ask for your patience.

We are the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta; an organization of over 4000 volunteers and staff who help people.  Our mission statement reads: "The Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides financial, material, educational, and spiritual support to those in need regardless of background or faith and collaborates with other organizations to empower people to achieve self-sufficiency.  We are part of an international organization and have been operating in Georgia since 1903."

SVdP Atlanta accomplishes this mission through the work of volunteers at 70 local conference organizations throughout north and middle Georgia, through four Family Support Centers, ten thrift stores, and our central Conference Support Center.

So there we go.  The first blog post is written and posted.  One of the tips I received was keep the postings short, so I'll save more information for later.

We are thrilled you've joined the conversation and we look forward to hearing from you.

John Berry - CEO and Executive Director


  1. mr berry,
    congrats on your new blog. i submitted an idea a few months ago and was wondering if there was any progress. the idea was to team up with publix and get scan cards designated for svdp, portions of your purchases are then sent back to svdp, in the long run it does add up. publix does this for individual schools, why not svdp?
    thanks again, have a blessed weekend
    tj griswold

  2. Hi TJ - we did get your suggestion and we're working on how to implement it locally so that the conference will get the money directly..we haven't yet approached Publix to see if they will work with us. Thanks for your idea.
