In early spring, Kroger approached SVdP about accepting large monthly donations of meat and other perishable foods. Since good quality protein is hard to come by for clients, SVdP jumped on the chance to receive meat on a regular basis. This project requires us to install a commercial grade freezer for the Chamblee Conference Support Center, provide freezers for each participating Conference and a buy another truck to assist with distributing the food to the outlying Conferences. The entire project will require a total of $150,000.
Since raising the first $75,000, we have begun the installation of the commercial refrigerator and freezer. It seems like our warehouse has been transformed overnight. Where towering storage shelves once sat, there is a shiny brand new freezer.
What’s great about this is we are now one giant step closer to becoming a functioning food distribution center. So, more people throughout North Georgia will have access to more food. We’ll be able to supply suburban Conferences with perishable foods and meats. This means better nutrition for our clients, which leads to better health and a better future.
Take look at the transformation!
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